Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The start of something good

In the beginning there was light, and Dad yelled at everyone to turn it off!  Nevertheless the light continued to burn until Dad himself finally conceded and turned it off himself.  Time passed and all elements of pursuasion were employed to encourage others to participate in the ritualistic extinguishing of the light, but every effort failed and nature was established with an unchangable law; So henceforth and forevermore Dad's were gifted with the unique talent and power to manipulate switches of all forms and factors in the 'off' direction.  An act that throughout time has eluded and continues to elude anyone who doesn't answer to the title of Dad.  So to all you Dad's I salute your power as well as your futile pursuit of passing it on to those in your household- for certain as it is that no light will ever be turned off which you do not turn off yourself, it is also a physical law of nature that you must continue to scold, yell, plead, and even bribe in vain attempts to convey your singular gift.


  1. Congratulations on a great blog guys, and thanks for the credits (above). We're proud. This family blogging thing is inspirational. I think I even saw it metioned in The Proclamation: "Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer,... blogging,... and wholsome family activities." It has certainly made our family cohesive. Check out the "Mission Statement" I just added to our blog, to see how much I believe that principle.

    Anyway, it's great to see you all here. We'll be visiting regularly. Hope you'll all reciprocate.
    Uncle Dave

  2. Enjoy your blog, I know I will. By the way, the pictures are important. I think it's been since Grandma's funeral since I have seen most of you. This takes some of the guilt out of not keeping in touch with all the relatives.
    Now we just have to talk the Suttons into blogging and we'll be all set.
    Let me know if you are ever out in Cleveland, although I'm not sure why you would ever want to do that.
    You can check out my fam at www.croshawfamilyforever.blogspot.com.
